Monday, May 17, 2010

A Full Heart...(part 1)
My heart is so incredibly full with pride for my sweet little girl! I can't even express it! I've been planning on doing a 1k with my little girl for months now...and the time finally arrived...I had originally planned to run my 5k first and then to run with her...Then I decided not to run the 5k and just do the 1k with Belle...but just in case you think you might be following me...I then decided to run the 5k with a dear friend of mine doing her first 5k....(I wouldn't be racing just jogging along with her to encourage, so my knee would hopefully be just fine.)
Isobel and I went to pick up our race packets the night before the race just her and I....We got there and Wow was that girl excited and wired....The packet pickup was held at a local running while I was waiting in line Belle found a shoe mirror....I look down and there she is on her hands and knees with her face about 3 inches from the mirror growling out..."I'm gonna run...I'm gonna run fast....I'm gonna ruuuunnnnn!" Like I said beyond wound up! I quietly tell her to stay with me and no more growling in mirrors....she says "Okay Mum Sorry!" Just when I think we are going to get out before any more little displays....We were checking out...and the sales guy says...."Hey there how are you!?" My little girl, my sweet little girl looks at him....wrinkles up her nose and says, "I'm gonna run! I'm gonna run run run! and I'm going to beat you!!! GRrrrrr!" Wow who took my little girl and brought back this little running monster!?
So later that night we had fun setting out our race numbers...and going though our list of things we needed....During which time Belle reminded me like 50 times that we needed to bring her runnin shoes.....
Race morning arrived....bright and early....Got myself already and then I headed upstairs to get the little running monster....When I first opened her door she snuggled deep down in the blankets...and then it was like a light bulb popped on....she was up and jumping on the bed..."I got to run...let's get my shoes!" We headed down got dressed and then ate just a bit of cereal....Got everyone else ready and then off we went!
The drive down was a little confusing with all the roads that were closed around the zoo....but we eventually got turned around the right way and Isobel says..."Mum Oh NO!" I turn around and she is acting like she had an accident....which she hasn't forever of course I don't travel with any extra pants....UGH! We quickly find out that she is sick to her stomach....I start thinking oh no let's just go home...she starts crying and saying that no she doesn't want to run...I looked at J and he we are down here and here we are at the start you are going to go and run with Becky....I'll take care of the kids...just go and find Becky....I felt awful....I didn't want to run with Belle like this....I headed out to find Becky anyways.... found her got her all ready with her number and we headed to the start line.....we met up with J and the kids....Belle was looking much better....and said she was feeling good....My mind was definitely at ease after that! What a relief!
Here is Becky and I heading toward the start line....
Becky and I stood there for what seemed like forever....we chatted....we laughed....and I soaked it all in! I vowed that after my 1/2 that I would be there I mean really really be there every race I attend....I would absorb the energy and the crowd...and I did....I noticed that the atmoshpere was oh so very different than the 1/2....people we having fun...they had their friends there....there was definitely still a few that were very focused...but it was for wasn't' "let's get this shit done and over with" attitude that I noticed at the 1/2. Soon enough the horn sounded and it was time to RUN! I totally forgot my I told Becky to just do what felt good....and then go a little slower than that....I haven't run with her much lately so I didn't know what to expect....I knew that she had been sick this last I knew that that would have an affect on her too.....
We ran along at a pretty decent pace for quite awhile....I felt great I was so incredibly happy to be running and I felt so great! I heard someone say that we were going at about 9:45 pace....Whoa! SLOW IT DOWN Becky! So we did and things went along great for quite awhile.....around 1 1/4 miles I noticed that she was breathing pretty hard....Let's take it down again...we did and she was able to get her breathing under control...and then we were at the water station....1/2 way there.....After the water station I was shocked at the hills....we are in the flattest region of NW Ohio so it is a huge shock to see a little grade in the road...and these were not a grade in the road hills...these were decent little hills....It seemed like they just kept going after that......
Through the last 3/4 of a mile there were a lot of spectators....and I loved every minute of it....Even better Becky did too....we passed a family that was cheering so loud...and their little girl ran over and high 5'd Becky.....She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "Now I want to run!" She popped in ear ipod and started to really run along again...jamming out for the rest of the way.... "Just dance" "PapaPapa razzi" she totally cracked me up!
I had asked her if she wanted to sprint at the end or just keep going at our pace.....she looked at me like I was totally crazy and said, "are you kidding me....I think I'll do well if I'm still running!" As we rounded the last corner....we passed a woman that screamed at us, "HIT IT NOW!!!!" And wow did Becky hit it! She took off! So sprint we did to the finish! I'm sooooo proud of and happy for her! Can't wait to run with you again girl!!!!

Here we are finishing....we are the the 2 smiling right in the middle
Once again the 2 laughing right in the middle....

I think the biggest thing I got out of this weekend is that there were 3 people there running....That I bugged the living day lights out to start running! They went from no running to 5k's and one even did the 1/2 with me! So I guess if I get nothing out of this little journey then at least I encouraged 3 people to get out there! Yayyayayay! Thanks for running with me Becky! Greg! and Jenny!!!!

We Headed over to the kids....Becky caught her breath and waited for the kids 1k to start...Belle informed me that she was feeling MUCH better and wanted to run! So that is it for Part 1 of a full heart...I think Belle will get her own post later.....A proud Mum and Friend....

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